Lost, Found, Tranformed

According to timeanddate.com - the word “January comes from Janus or Ianus, the Roman god of passage and new beginnings.”

Going through a patch of feeling “lost” this month, I dived into my daily planner that acts a journal and I found out that three of my dogs have done amazing things over the years that have transformed my life. All of them done in the month of January. Seems they knew more about the power of January than I did.

You can read more about the changes that transpired on my Substack, where you can also subscribe and receive my free ebook!

Many changes occur in the month of January - not the least of which was having my dog, Lukas, break my leg five years ago while I was in a moment of self-doubt.

Julie Hirt

An animal communicator and intuitive coach helping people grow and heal themselves and their relationships with their animals. 


A Gentle Practice for Pet Loss Grief


Animal Messages for January 2024.