Best Friends Have Your Back

You know how your best friend will be so blunt with you to get you back on track that it hurts? Well, Lukas my dog, along with a bunch of mice, recently used some pretty drastic actions to get my attention on something I was ignoring, if not downright avoiding.

A couple of weeks ago, Lukas became obsessed with hunting, ultimately killing a few mice on our daily walks in the nature preserve. At first, his pouncing, which rivals the grace of an arctic fox, was fun to watch. Then, when the first mouse perished at his paws, the joy dissolved to remorse. It wasn’t until he swallowed the next one whole (ew) that I realized he was trying to tell me something.

You can read more about the changes that transpired on my Substack, where you can also subscribe and receive my free ebook!

My amazing teacher, Lukas.

Julie Hirt

An animal communicator and intuitive coach helping people grow and heal themselves and their relationships with their animals.

Animal Messages for March 2024


The Off-Leash Dog, Her Human & My Negative Beliefs